Gil and Sarah Jaysmith have adventured from the quiet shores of Littlehampton, on the south coast of England, to the metropolis of Vancouver on the west coast of Canada. Are they ready for Canada? Is Canada ready for them? Read on and find out!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The trouble with women (November 27)

Wotcher. News from Tuesday:

Rehearsals for One Million Things Happening In December proceed apace. I'll put up a list for your awed admiration once I can bear to look at it. It's going to be a Very Busy Month. Last night we were rehearsing for the gospel choir, chroma (which owing to time considerations, viz. we have none, is going to be the main casualty when we hit the new year and clean house a bit). Tonight we were polishing and then running the Broadway Chorus show, Anne Murray Of Green Gables.

It turns out that Dani from Broadway Chorus, who plays my hapless starcrossed lover Jenny, works in video game law and is one of the authors of the Video Game Law Blog. Quite the coinkidink.

Adam from BC pointed us at the world's most boring game, Desert Bus. LOL.

In fantastic news, Mystery Case Files: Madame Fate is brilliant: I've completed it once and am now trogging through it a second time. I haven't even looked at the new Sam And Max despite buying it the instant it went live. Might get a chance to play it this weekend.

I didn't get any sleep Sunday night but as a result at four thirty in the morning I wrote lyrics for a gorgeous piece of music which Sarah had likewise composed in a time of insomnia. The result is something quite unusual for us, far more poetic than I normally try for, and hopefully nice.

For Chilli & Sage fans, there's new music at our MySpace page.

We've also set up the blog page for Take December Off, which is our latest cunning project. We had intended to have fun making a video for I Want To Be A Panda - and indeed we will, early next year - but instead we're going to push our seasonal song, Take December Off, which is, as the title might suggest, a comedy song about getting the whole of the month off work. We were hoping to make a quick video in time for December 1st, but we're so swamped that we're going to have to settle for a sound file and a comedy blog and photos, with a video to come after a few days. The upshot is, remember that link and take a look at it on December 1st, and then send it to all your friends. It's how to skive off work for 31 days, set to a samba beat. You want it.

We go now to collapse...

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