The specific good news in this bonus entry is: our stuff has arrived! At last! And it was a relatively painless process. We got a call on Wednesday to say it would arrive between 9am and 10am on Friday morning. I immediately (1) booked a 'defrag day' (paid emergency leave, six days a year, separate from my proper holiday allowance) so I could be at home to help Sarah with it all. In the end it took about an hour and a half from top to tail, and we had the rest of the day off. Er, unless anyone from Radical is reading this, in which case we also unpacked lots of stuff and generally did things which would have proven impossible for Sarah (a mere woman, you'll remember) to handle on her own.
Photographic proof, if proof be needs be, of our stuff's arrival now follows. This is our 'room 2', initially empty:

And this is how the truck looked when it arrived at the back of the building:

This is the red carpet upon which the boxes were delivered unto us:

And this is how it looked at the end. 80 boxes!

Tenpence and Hugh!!!!!!!!

And Rattle. Well, I was sleepy, and Rattle was closest.

What a cute rabbit. Actually, this is not a cute rabbit, rather a very unhappy one: this photo is timestamped 9:03am and is of Sarah standing at the bus stop as we waited on Saturday morning to go to our choir's full-day singing workshop.

I, on the other hand, was all set for a bouncy day!

After singing, a tenor needs: cider! And after trying several individual pints, a tenor likes to try: a pitcher of cider! Yes, friends, this is my pitcher of cider. Go buy your own.

There. Two posts in one day. Painless. You may go again now.
(1) After a day's delay and numerous reminders from Sarah
Still seems to be a definite lack of comments from the rest of your dedicated blog readers! And in answer for Mike (his computer is bound to be physically submitting with me and you gone) no you probably can't :-)
Radical is watching you...
i like the red carpet delivery of what sems to be lots of bears!! sarah should use bus stop pic for her cards wink wink!!!!!!!!funny stuff. x
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